The Department of Woodworking is holder of disciplines what deals with events in interaction: "wood cutting tool – machined material" in processes of chip cutting and working of wood, and disciplines of thermokinetics to analyse the action of heat on wood in processes of thermic treatment.
Practice is important for us
The staff of woodprocessing department can offer following service for the production sphere: Diagnosing the technical condition of woodworking machines and optimizing heat consumption in woodworking processes.
Programming courses
The Department offers courses in programming of CNC woodworking machines.
International conference
The Department organizes the conference with a two-year periodicity "Chip chipless woodworking".
expertise and expert opinions
have been elaborated in recent years for individual legal subjects of woodworking clientele.
On 2 may 1997, the Department of Woodworking arises as independent department in Wood Faculty of Technical University in Zvolen. It has formatted from Department woodworking and tools – The department of wood-machinery and equipments and part the Department of applied mechanics – Department physic and applied mechanics.
With its activities follows on creative work of personality: prof. Ľudovít Mikolášik, PhD., prof. František Setnička, PhD., prof. Martin Sivák, PhD., Ass. Prof. Jozef Lisičan, PhD. The leader of department is prof. Ladislav Dzurenda, PhD.
Katedra obrábania drevaDrevárska fakulta
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
+421 45 5206 366
Head of the Department

+421 455 206 365