Department Profile
The Department of Woodworking supports areas dealing with phenomena in the interaction: “woodcutting tool – machined material” in the process of chip forming cutting and processing of wood by the identification of cut forces and by the study of phenomena determining technical and technological parameters of these processes. Professional profile of the Department includes also areas of thermokinetics analysing heat influence on wood in the process of thermal modification and issues of effective energy-environmental utilisation of wood substance. A head of the Department is prof. Ing. Ladislav Dzurenda, PhD.

On 2 may 1997, the Department of Woodworking arises as independent department in Wood Faculty of Technical University in Zvolen. It has formatted from Department Woodworking and Tools – The Department of Wood-machinery and Equipments and part the Department of Applied Mechanics – Department Physic and Applied Mechanics. With its activities follows on creative work of personality: prof. Ľudovít Mikolášik, PhD., prof. František Setnička, PhD., prof. Martin Sivák, PhD., Ass. Prof. Jozef Lisičan, PhD. The leader of department is prof. Ladislav Dzurenda, PhD.